

TableturfQ is an unofficial matchmaking service for the Tableturf Battle card game within Splatoon 3. Unlike every other multiplayer mode in Splatoon 3, Nintendo doesn’t offer any ingame matchmaking for Tableturf Battle. This has made it difficult for players to find others to battle against. The TableturfQ team’s goal is to offer Tableturf players a way to solve this problem by bringing together the Tableturf Battle community into one place where they can easily find others to play against.

TableturfQ does not include a simulation of Tableturf Battle, and you are expected to play the official game with your opponent after getting matched together, using the pool code: TTBQ.


Backend/Lead Dev - Ljovynn

Frontend Dev - zeb


TBS Discord

TBS Twitter

Feedback Form

Bug Submission Form




Casual Matchmaking

For casual matchmaking, the goal is not to enforce any ruleset or restrict the players to how long they can play with each other. The only purpose for casual matchmaking is to let you find other players to battle against in a low-stress environment. Therefore, you do not record any game or match wins, and you may play however many matches you want with your opponent.

There is no restriction on the decks, timer, or stages being played in casual matches. You may end the session at any time by simply clicking the "Leave match" button.

Ranked Matchmaking

In ranked matches, you will play a best of set against your opponent, using the standard competitive TBO ruleset. You must record every game win/loss, as the match will only progress to the next game once both players have confirmed a game’s result. Once a match has finished, the players ratings will change. If you leave a ranked match, it counts as a forfeit.

Ratings and Ranks

TableturfQ uses the Glicko-2 rating system for matchmaking and the leaderboard. You need to play 3 ranked matches before you can see your rating and appear on the leaderboard. The rank you have is determined by your current rating.


If your opponent is absent or uncooperative, you can request that a moderator to resolve the situation by pressing the dispute button. Please try to communicate with your opponent about the issue before putting a match into a dispute.

Disputes can be resolved by the players themselves if both players click on the “Resolve Dispute” button. In that case, the match will continue with no changes.

Matches are automatically put into dispute when both players confirm contradicting results for a game. If this happens due to a misclick, it can easily be reverted by both players resolving the dispute by themselves and remarking the winner.

Disputes are mainly meant to deal with absent players, players that take too long joining lobbies/choosing stages, or when players don’t record the game wins properly. If you want to report misconduct in the chat, it is better to send a support ticket in the TBS Discord server.

Moderators can view any match’s chat at any time. Other regular users that aren’t part of the match can not view the chat. This is the case even for matches that have ended.

Players have the responsibility to show respect to their opponents in the chat. All rules regarding the use of chats can be read here.

Private Battles

Right now, private battles can only be created through the /challenge command in our TableturfQ Discord bot.

Your rating is not affected by the result of a private battle, and disputes are not available in Private Battles. Otherwise, private battles function just like ranked battles.


Matches that have been active for over 3 hours will be automatically cancelled. For ranked matches, this means that no winner is declared, and player ratings won’t be adjusted.

Tableturf Battle is in full ownership of Nintendo. TableturfQ is unofficial and is not affiliated with or sponsored by Nintendo.

Match Rulesets

Pool Code

The pool code used for all TableturfQ matches is: TTBQ. It is not case sensitive, so ttbq will work as well.

Casual Ruleset

There is no rulset for casual matches. Play on any stage / timer!

Ranked Ruleset

For the first game, both players will take turns striking stages from the list of starter stages, until there is only one stage left. The remaining stage will be played. TableturfQ randomly chooses which player is player 1 and gets the first strike.

Starter stages:

For game 2 and onward, the winner of the previous game will strike stages from the list of counterpick stages. The other player may then choose to play on any of the counterpick stages that weren’t striked.

You can’t choose to play on a stage that you have previously won on. TableturfQ will "strike" stages your opponent is ineligible to pick so you do not waste a strike on it.

Counterpick stages:

There are no deck restrictions.


If a game ends with a draw, the players have to play on the same stage with the same decks they used in the drawn game. This process is repeated until someone wins the game.

Wrong Timer, Stage, or Deck

If you accidentally choose the wrong timer, stage, or deck, you are allowed to replay. Let your opponent know in the chat, then give up before the 2nd turn. Then, you can restart the match with the correct settings. If you play out the first turn, you are not allowed to replay that game.

You are only allowed one replay per set from choosing the wrong deck. If you choose the wrong deck more than once, you have to play with that deck.

If you choose to play on a stage that neither player has unlocked, the stage for that game defaults to Main Street instead.

Time Limits

If you are in a lobby and have shared the optional password with your opponent, they have 15 minutes to join the lobby. For every 15 minutes they haven’t joined, you receive 1 game win. If you have problems connecting to a lobby, it is advised to try switching the host or remaking the lobby.

If your opponent takes more than 15 minutes to strike / choose stages, you receive 1 game win.

Communication Errors

If you unintentionally disconnect with 7 or more turns remaining in the game, you are allowed one replay per set. Play with the same deck and stage, just like after a drawn game. If you disconnected with fewer than 7 turns remaining, or if you have already been granted a replay from a previous disconnect during the set, then you will automatically lose that game.

To determine who disconnected, the player who left the lobby after the match was canceled is the player who disconnected. In rare cases where both players left the lobby, the game is counted as a draw, and you will have to play with the same deck and stage.

You may need to provide an in game clip from your Switch if moderators are needed to assist with marking a game with a disconnect.

Site Rules

Chat Rules

Using any kind of discriminatory language is forbidden. It is also not allowed to be overly disrespectful and hateful towards other users.

Slow Play

Deliberately being slow with actions such as striking and choosing stages is not allowed. You can sometimes need more time than usual for bathroom breaks, looking at decks, etc. But in general, the average time to strike or choose stages should be less than 3 minutes. Please communicate with your opponent in cases such as these.

System Abuse Rules

Intentionally losing a ranked match to boost the other player’s rating and/or tank your own rating is strictly forbidden. Refrain from causing a dispute without any reason. Repetitive and vast misuse of the dispute feature is not allowed. It is strictly forbidden to use alternate accounts to avoid bans/suspensions, win trade, or smurf.


If you are found to break any rules you may be banned or suspended, depending on the severity of your rule breaks. Rule breaks can also lead to game or match losses.

Banned players lose access to joining any queue, can not use the chat, and won’t appear on the leaderboard. Suspensions and bans are the same thing, except bans are permanent, while suspensions are only limited to a timeframe.